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Popular destination
Universalmente conosciuta come la “Terra del Mito”, in epoche antiche il Cilento ha ospitato popolazioni greche, lucane e romane, che hanno lasciato nel nostro presente traccia del loro passaggio. A questa grande ricchezza storica, si aggiunge la varietà del territorio, gli incredibili scenari naturali, la semplice ma ricca di gusto gastronomia tradizionale, basata su numerosi prodotti tipici e innumerevoli ricette antichissime, tramandate e realizzate tutt’oggi in occasione di sagre, fiere ed eventi organizzati soprattutto durante il periodo estivo. Infatti è soprattutto la stagione estiva a ospitare turisti da ogni parte del mondo, attirati dalle bellissime spiagge e dalla costa ricca di anfratti e grotte marine.
Dal mare si risale vero l’entroterra, un ambiente naturale ancora intatto e incontaminato, caratterizzato da alture, fiumi, sentieri: luogo ideale per gli amanti delle passeggiate all’aperto e del trekking.
Mare, natura, enogastronomia, storia e arte: pronti a scoprire insieme a noi questo magnifico territorio?
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Ports of Velia
The Territory
Fish Species
The Cilento coastline is heterogeneous: beautiful beaches alternate with rocky promontories, cliffs and high cliffs overhanging the sea. Hidden in this scenery are marvellous caves to be discovered, a destination for tourists and locals alike. The uncontaminated sea of the splendid Cilento coast guards a large sample of fish species, proof of the excellent quality of these waters. And speaking of fish species, we cannot fail to mention the product of excellence, especially from Pisciotta: the Menaica anchovies, which take their name from the ancient fishing technique practised using a special net called 'Menaica'. Fresh fish and its processing are central to the economy of Porti di Velia and characterise its culinary specialities.
Menaica anchovies differ in the way they are fished. The ritual of menaica fishing, now practised only by a small fleet of gozzo boats in Marina di Pisciotta, dates back to classical times and has remained unchanged over the centuries. At night, when the sea is very calm, the fishermen go out in their gozzo and throw into the sea handmade nets, called 'menaiche', whose particular shape means that only the largest anchovies are caught, entangling them so that they bleed into the sea water. After pulling the nets by hand, the anchovies are gently pulled out of the mesh one by one, removing the heads and entrails.
Resources and Itineraries
The Cilento has an exceptional cultural landscape. The architecture along its three mountain ridges portrays the historical evolution of the area: it has been an important route, not only for trade, but also for cultural and political interaction since ancient times, so much so that it has been designated a Unesco heritage site. The caves, the landscape paths, the creeks, the churches, the museums and the small, almost uninhabited villages: each element represents a piece of a jigsaw puzzle that contributes to recreating and reconstructing the identity culture of an area unique in its appearance and characteristics.
Natural beauty: from food to unspoilt places
Views and glimpses of the most evocative and characteristic places in the Velia Ports area that frame good food, art and millenary culture.