
Nel Cilento e in particolare a Marina di Pisciotta ancora resiste un antico metodo di pesca, con la rete “Menaica”; le maglie larghe catturano solo le alici di maggiori dimensioni, lasciando passare i pesci più piccoli. Da qui le Alici di Menaica, presidio Slow Food, che vengono conservate sotto sale in vasetti di terracotta.
Anche la pesca con le nasse è utilizzata da secoli per la piccola pesca costiera: ancora oggi si possono trovare dei pescatori che, oltre a riparare le reti, si dedicano a questa attività artigianale quasi centenaria, quella della costruzione e della manutenzione delle nasse.
E lo fanno con l’orgoglio di chi sa produrre da sé il proprio strumento di lavoro.
Sono il simbolo di una pesca rispettosa, etica, un esempio da difendere e diffondere.

Fish Species

The Cilento coastline is heterogeneous: beautiful beaches alternate with rocky promontories, cliffs and high cliffs overhanging the sea.  Hidden in this scenery are marvellous caves to be discovered, a destination for tourists and locals alike. The uncontaminated sea of the splendid Cilento coast guards a large sample of fish species, proof of the excellent quality of these waters. And speaking of fish species, we cannot fail to mention the product of excellence, especially from Pisciotta: the Menaica anchovies, which take their name from the ancient fishing technique practised using a special net called 'Menaica'. Fresh fish and its processing are central to the economy of Porti di Velia and characterise its culinary specialities.


The Cilento is made up of a heterogeneous web of ecosystems in which nature is practically uncontaminated in some places, and in others has been shaped by man, who has found hospitality in this area since ancient times. The vast territory offers a great plurality of environments for animal species, and it is not surprising that there is such a richness and variety of specimens present, some of which are considered to be of priority interest.
Living according to the rhythms of nature, being sustainable, valorising the territory, respecting the needs of animals and the cycles of plants: these are the objectives to be set and respected in order to safeguard the entire territory, from the sea to the coasts to the mountainous areas